Production Leader
Matthew Lee is a man that loves God with everything that is in him, he just loves to praise and worship God everyday. He wants to make everything that we do in the church able to be understood and clear, to be able to follow what is being said by the pastor and that at times technology can be a challenge that will cause us to grow in understanding and patience.
Vision Statement
I see that Production is the glue that ties all of the different church departments together. In creating the website, I have seen that each department shows a different facet of God and his plans for us, I believe that our facet is the love of God. The love of his word, the love of worship and seeing his people praise his name, the love of all nations to see the good new spread across the world.
This can be achieved with our communication skills, so that we are able to help each other to extract their vision and goals, their dreams and desires, and then we can work together to see these things happen and grow.
We are an unrecognized part of the church, but we are essential to its effectiveness.
For growth to happen we need to be focused on meeting our pastors’ needs and his vision, for this is the bigger picture.
We need to stay alert to the distractions that come our way and have the amour of God on so that it does not affect us!
Let’s be prayed up and disciples of Jesus, and yearning for more of a relationship with him, so that he can be glorified in everything that we do.